Sunday, November 14, 2010

That Fool, Haha! (Ch.15)

Wow! The creature actually received a gift, even it was not meant for him it is still something to recognize. He told me that the package was filled with three different books. The books contained inside were Paradise Lost, a volume of Plutarch's lives, and the Sorrows of Werter. He kept on going about how the book made him experience different emotions and things that I actually could care less about. Until there was one thing that got my attention, he told me he was going to confront his human neighbors. I had to listen to him, I wanted to see how he miserably failed.

It took must have take a lot of courage to take in something he knows might kill him or hurt him emotionally or he is really stupid. Either way he has failed in his attempt and I can tell this story will be drawing to a close soon. I could hardly take one more hour of this, it seemed like I was sweating anxiously yet I was calm. I could tell by the expression on the creature's face that he though I was listening, too bad I really wasn't. Anyways, I was pretty much rooting for Felix as he told me that he was beaten down by him. That was worth listening to, I tell you what.

-Victor Frankenstein

1 comment:

  1. This is good. Look at the beginning of the second paragraph, though, there's some grammar or something there. I also want to state that in my opinion, Victor isn't uncaring, but rather frightened of the creature. You make him seem like he couldn't care less about him but that's a bit extreme..maybe it's just me but that's my opinion.(= Just something to think about..
