Monday, November 15, 2010

If This Will Get Rid Him Then I Shall Do It (Ch.17-18)

So.... my creation, it seems that he wants me to create him a wife. I turned down his offer many times and attempted to look upon his face in order to find his true meaning. The only thing I saw was this horrible face that caused me to wrench my face with fright. But after he kept pleading, persuading, and threatening me I decided to make him his wife. As long as he moves away with her to Africa and never bothers us again. So help me God I shall find a way to strike him down if he ever returns.

I returned back to Geneva but I was too scared and stressed to do any work at all. Weeks passed and I could barely get any work done, if any at all. It appears that my father wants me to marry Elizabeth, which I would love to do, but there is too much going on. My mind was being squeezed by all of this tension!! GAH!!!!! Okay I need to calm down, my trip to England is underway and my partner that chose to go with me is quite the pick. His name is Clerval and we seem to get along well and I enjoy his company very well. He helps me keep my mind off things that should be forgotten. It will only be some time before I arrive in England and now I will fall asleep. My eyes closing slowly to be taken into a world where everything is true. I just want this horrible nightmare to be over so I can get on with my life.

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