Monday, November 22, 2010

Is It Over Yet?!? (Ch. 23-24)

No....... NOOO!!!!!! He did it, he actually killed the one person who brought the most meaning to my life. I saw it with my own eyes, the lifeless body, the blank expression of horror that seems mangled into her, and the wretched, bitter anguish that flooded my body and caused me to burst into a frenzy of silent tears. It was as if looking through a window and just watching this horrid nightmare pass by but this was all too real. Now it was over, all of the fear and sadness is over now. All that fill my heart and eyes was the fiery passion of rage and hatred and there was nothing that could stop me. I first used a boat to head after the criminal and from then on it was everything I could do to keep on his treacherous trail.

It.... it seems that the people around me see my anguish and are deciding to help me upon my long and most likely never ending journey. He has left notes upon the bark of trees which only fuelled my rage even more. Finally I have caught up to the daemon, after months of anguish and perish to myself and my dogs, I have tracked him down onto a frozen ocean.

The monster has vanished, sadly, and the ice is breaking. I decided to ride with my dog on this shattered piece of ice I now call a raft and I won't stop my search, not for anything..... and then I saw this ship and that is my story of how I ended up upon it in such bad condition. The captain, Walton, has kindly kept me in his quarters as my strength and grip on life are slipping. I helped his crew out with their issues of wanting to return home and it seems that my time has come just a few days later. I lie there by the fire wondering about my life, how it was wasted by that miserable being. I felt sorry that I was not able to catch him but happy to finally see my loved ones again after my hard effort. As my eyes closed slowly my body began to fail and I could hardly speak, and as my eyes closed it seemed to be the most peaceful time of my life. It is finally over..... I can finally be happy again........ goodbye world, I will see everyone in the afterlife.

-Victor Frankenstein


  1. Whoa... this is some VERY high quality writing. Genuine fear and anger, and some rather moving acceptance, and even embracement of death!

    Fantastic work here.

  2. This is a great post! I was wondering, why didn't you include anything about the creature crying for you? But all in all, good job.
