Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Lady on Horseback (Ch. 13)

It seems that my awful creature's stories drag on forever but I shall listen just to find out what he wants of me. He tells me there was this woman who arrived on horseback with her guide at his neighbor's house. I was confused why he was telling me about this woman but then I just figured that she was to fit in later in his story. Anyways, by this time, I was starting to fall asleep yet I could not because I needed to know many things from him. I sat there as I listened to the creature drag on and on about how beautiful she was, then he told me that he wanted a wife. I was startled but he decided to wait and tell me what he really wanted later on.

I started to rest my head on the palms of my sweaty hands, which was ironic given that it is so cold outside. I was a little startled in how fast someone such as himself could learn this language faster than the Arabian woman. As well as the fact that he managed to read along with a book called Ruin's of Empires by Volney.
I was just amazed by all of this but I had to seem like I do not care. So I just sat there quietly listening acting as if I was bored to hear his tale. Finally he told me that he wanted to love, to share his life with someone I guess. Can he really feel love does he wish to just copy the humans? This I want to get answered as soon as possible.

-Victor Frankenstein

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