Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Have I Done!?! (Ch.7-9)

My poor younger brother William, what has happened to me that caused this tragedy to happen? If only I were there to help or maybe if I just wrote more to my family, then maybe I would not feel so wretched and guilty about this happening to you. I will do anything I can to help solve this and keep Elizabeth happy. Lastly, I will find that minature of our mother and prove that Justine is innocent.

It seems that ever since I have created that horrible daemon, my life has turned for the worst. I have begun to develope crow's feet under my eyes and my hair is turning gray. I have become so skinny that it is unbelievable and you can even see my ribs. This whole time I have been regretting the fact that I have unwillingly hurt Elizabeth and I have decided that it was my creation that is guilty instead of Justine. I wanted to tell everyone at William's funeral but I just could not pull myself to do it. So now I am in Chamounix trying to get ready for whatever horror lies ahead in my life, I just hope some rest will ease some of this pain that has been placed upon me.

-Victor Frankenstein

1 comment:

  1. I liked the way you illustrated Victor as vivid as you did. Showing and detailing all the emotions that he had felt through those hard times.
